Testing Partner

Different pricing at wholesale rate is given to service providers. We work with multiple mould testing service providers all over Australia. You can send samples to us and we’ll provide you with quality results. Sign up to become our testing partner.

Highly-Qualified Staff

All our staff is specialized in the mould testing field. Most of them are PhD Candidates, microbiologists, environmental scientists, and pharmaceutical experts. You can rely on our responsible and hardworking staff.

Advanced Technology

Our lab is designed according to modern technology. All our equipment is advanced and meets the requirements of all testing facilities. Some of the significant testing facilities of our lab are mould testing, quantitative PCR testing, LC-MS testing.

Research project

Research Projects

Our Experts are engaged in different research projects. Many of them are government-related. We use Next-gen sequencers methods to detect any microbiological organisms which help us to do more research on unfound them. 

Our Expertise

“Mould Tests Australia staffs are highly qualified and specialized in occupational hygiene, microbiology, pathology, elemental assay, chemistry, and indoor air quality. Our experts are qualified environmental Ph.D. scientists.”

01. Mould Testing

Our lab provides full mould testing services. We have an assay that can detect 30+ mould species. Our highly-qualified staff has experience of more than 10 years of mould testing.

02. Advanced Microscopy

We are equipped with advanced modern technology. Our technology does all types of microscopic testing like bacterial and fungal. We also conduct PCR tests. 

03. Research Projects

Our staff is comprised of PhD candidates. They are always engaged in different types of research projects. Some of them are related to government projects too. 

Latest Case Studies

Our lab is always utilizing new detection technology. Here are some of the articles on our latest case study and research.

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